Spatial Creation Studio


The Head of Studio
MgA. Lada Semecká

Studio Assistant
MgA. Martin Verner

Workplaces and Workshops

Workshop Door number Activity
Plaster workshop 010 working with plaster, model making, casting
Modeling workshop 011, 012 modeling, clay work, and similar activities
Metal workshop 014, 026 machining (grinding, cutting, shearing, drilling, turning) and metal joining (e.g. welding, soldering) and blacksmithing
Stone processing 027 stone and glass processing (cutting, grinding, sandblasting)
Carpentry workshop 028 woodworking (grinding, cutting, drilling, turning) and surface treatment
Plastics workshop 031 working with plastics (cutting, bending, vacuum forming), surface treatments (spraying, painting)


The operation of Spatial Creation Studio takes place on several levels. The fundamental level involves providing the teaching of the subject Spatial Creation, which introduces students to the issues and basic tools of spatial creation. Through short material exercises and studies from models, it teaches the understanding of material properties, space, the significance of proportions, structure, weight and lightness, color, and structure as tools of artistic expression. Another level involves the possibility of collaboration within the faculty in solving specific tasks in special studios. This supplements the activities of special studios, offering the opportunity to work in various categories such as sculpture, installation, design, with an emphasis on the relationship between space and material. Part of the studio's program is also a summer elective course in working with stone in Hořice.

The activities in the studio are overseen and managed by: the studio head, an expert assistant, and a workshop technician. Students must consult their work with the responsible person, whose presence is also required when they are present in the workshop and workspaces.