Time-Based Media


The studio deals with video and sound in the contemporary art environment. In doing so, it exploits the possibilities of working with time, developing the themes of classic techniques of easel painting, object or space installation. In its content, it combines the methods of the contemporary art, experimental film, sound art and synesthesia ideas.

Students learn the basics of visual and sound composition and develop them into different types of artworks including video projection, work with surround sound and interactive formats, audiovisual performance or various forms of videomapping. To carry out their projects, they utilize a specialized workplace for processing of video and computer animation as well as recording studio for the creation of sound. A large format printer and a 3D printing workshop are also available to them.

Graduates are artists technically and conceptually ready to create audiovisual works using digital methods of processing of video and audio into a wide range of possibilities as provided for by this medium. They are able to reflect on what is happening on the contemporary art scene and actively participate in it while at the same time responding creatively to the requirements of various types of audiovisual productions.

Fastfud podcast / Daniel Hanzlík & Pavel Mrkus


doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Mrkus
Head of studio
doc. Mgr. A. Daniel Hanzlík
Head of Studio



honon~ festival / Thinking Sonic Environments conference

16. 8. 2022

We kindly invite you to Thinking Sonic Enviroments conference and phonon~ festival held in Ústí nad Labem. A space for transdisciplinary discussions of various approaches to description and exploration of sonic environments and two-day celebration of live audiovisual art, experimental electronic music and spatial audio.


27. 4. 2022

phonon~ crew and FUD UJEP cordially invites you to join our broadcasting sound point, contributing to the program of annual REVEIL sound event. This is an international event dedicated to listening, acoustic ecology and the question of the diversity of birds on Earth.
