Call for Papers for the International Conference on Acoustic Ecology

CENSE Annual Conference
MURMURANS MUNDUS: Sonic Ecology and Beyond
3 Oct to 5 Oct, 2019

Deadline for registration: 31. 7. 2019 / e-mail: 

We invite you to participate in the interdisciplinary conference Murmurans Mundus: Sonic Ecology and Beyond, which will focus on current matters in acoustic ecology perceived from the perspective both of the arts, and of the social and natural sciences. Prospective participants may register papers or audio performances for presentation at the conference, the aim of which is to contribute to the international discussion on topics such as noise pollution, differing methods of interpretating and manipulating the acoustic environment, as well as the possibilities to reflect on “acoustic ecology” in the educational process. 

The conference picks up where the founding conference, CENSE, left off. The Central European Network for Sonic Ecologies conference was held in Budapest at the end of November and beginning of December 2018. 

The conference is open to both theoretical and practical papers, analyses, presentations of particular artistic and research projects, and to reports on the subject of acoustic ecology and related disciplines. 

Thematic blocks of the conference: 

  • Sound as a source of information and a means of environmental change
    The acoustic environment as an indicator of the critical state of the world and the need to alter our relation to it. 
  • Context as one of the parameters of sound interpretation
    The importance of the social context for our ability to listen and understand sound. 
  • Sound as an inner experience
    Acoustic ecology” as a possibility for transforming our relation to the world in both art and science. 
  • Sound and education: sound literacy
    Listening as an important part of upbringing and education. Sound activism. 
  • Design and sound
    Connections between architecture, urbanism, design, and acoustics.

The focus of these thematic blocks is defined broadly. Contributions may be read as a paper, however we would prefer a free presentation. At the end of each block, there will be a discussion with the speakers. 

For further information: