Exhibition MUZEUMĚNÍ, Studio of Fine Art – Photography

The exhibition MUZEUMĚNÍ showcases the collaboration of Podřipské Museum and Fine Art – Photography studio at Faculty of Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. Research and interdisciplinarity are emphasized as one of the main trend in contemporary art. The opportunity to work with this approach was made possible thanks to cooperation with Podřipské Museum, which keeps and care about a variety of artifacts from different scientific fields, as well as objects related to local history.

Tutored by inspiring meetings with the museum’s director, Martin Trefný, international students were motivated to create artworks that respond to and reinterpret museum exhibits from a subjective perspective. Visitors are invited to engage with the thoughts and artistic expressions of a young generation that often approaches certain phenomena from a different, and sometimes critical, perspective.

Web muzea: http://www.podripskemuzeum.cz/