Course of a visiting foreign pedagogue / video lectures by Marcus Neustteter

Marcus Neustteter created three video lectures as part of the Course of a visiting foreign pedagogue in the winter semester of 2023/24, which are now available on a new YouTube playlist. Their implementation was supported by the project PPSŘ 2023 – Expansion and improvement of education implemented in the form of blended learning at FUD UJEP, whose solver is a Doc. Mgr. Lenka Sýkorová, Ph.D. The guarantor of the Visiting Foreign Teacher Course, KDT/FU053 is Prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D.
The video lectures were created for the Course of a visiting foreign pedagogue in English, which was open to students in the third year of the bachelor’s study programs Design (specialization Design) and Fine Arts.
As commentators, illustrators and creators of our worlds we are in a perpetual state of searching. This module acted as a lab, a process focused studio to seek, share and build collective, cross-disciplinary experiments that leave traces of their journeys and intended impact.
Mapping: looking at the line, at borders and actions of vulnerability across the personal, the social, the political, the contextual and the every day.
Illustrating: activating the unknown, the undefined and the space in-between in an attempt at world and sense-making in the current meta-crisis.
Embodying: Probing and agitating tensions between the public and the private, the collaborative and the personal, the natural and the technological.