Opencall / Talente – Master of the Future

Talente – Masters of the Future“ is an annual competition for new talent in the areas of design and technology. The focus of the competition is on work that shines through its formal and technical originality and technical perfection, and is ahead of its time. The competition is being organised by the Munich and Upper Bavarian Chamber of Skilled Trades and sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economics, Development and Energy. „Talente – Masters of the Future“ takes place every year as a special exhibition during the Munich International Skilled Trades Fair in March. Projects by around 90 participants from ca. 25 countries are exhibited in specially designed exhibition spaces over around 600 m2
Participating in the exhibition is free of charge. The only costs that you need to bear are for transport to Munich and insurance for this transport. Costs for collective transport from outside Germany will be paid for by the Handswerkskammer für München und Oberbayern.
Applications close on 20th October
You can find more information on