Graphic design I


We want to support student’s creative and complex thinking. We will be asking about the meaning of experienced stereotypes – searching for and redefining the partial components of graphic design. In our perception, a designer is a type of person who can formulate his/her ideas, defend them and can work independently and responsibly. We consider our position less authoritatively than it is usual in master-type studios. We build a creative environment (hub) where the roles of leader and student disappear. We are equal and we are also responsible for our actions and results. Yes, it is us who selects the tasks and determines the pace of the semester. In this, the roles are given. However, in terms of evaluation and feedback, the discussion is important – the diversity of opinions is a preparation for the real practice of the designer. The ability to defend one’s work and accept criticism is important. Being able to go through the received comments and find your way to the goal is what we want to pass on. We invite external experts and designers as a part of the semester work. Their selection is related to the topic of the semester and thus it helps to deepen the student’s knowledge. We bring to our management our many years of experience gained in the field, which we are happy to share. We continue to use our contacts to keep students in touch with professional practice. We look forward to you!

Adam Uchytil & Marek Fanta


MgA. Adam Uchytil
Head of Studio
MgA. Marek Fanta
Studio Assistant






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Open Day at UJEP

16. 1. 2025

The Faculty of Art and Design will take part in the UJEP Open Day, which will take place on 6 February 2025 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. We invite prospective students to visit the studios and consult their portfolios.


30. 5. 2023

You are warmly invited to the opening of the exhibition by Graphic Design 1 Studio (GD1) on Friday, June 2, 2023, at 6:00 PM at G2 Gothic Twins, ART DISTRICT LITOMĚŘICE.

Summer School 2022

27. 5. 2022

The FAD Summer School invites all artists and designers to Ústí nad Labem. We offer professional and creative meetings with a number of famous creators, inspiring courses and side events.
