We cordially invite you to the next lecture of Facing Art #6 (Čelem k umění), which will be held in English. Ismael de Anda III & Eugene Ahn will present their new project ‘Hinges of the Western Hemisphere,’ which they are preparing for the Altán Klamovka gallery in Prague.”

Čelem k umění #6 / Ismael de Anda III & Eugene Ahn: Hinges of the Western Hemisphere

CANCELLED! Čelem k umění #4 / Gerlin Heestermans
We warmly invite you to the next lecture from the Čelem k umění / Facing Art series, which will take place at the House of Art in Ústí nad Labem and will be held in English. Since 2019, Gerlin Heestermans has been documenting and researching modernist architecture in Belgium under the name Toerist Modernist.

School of Doctoral Studies in Humanities and Art – 2025
The Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem announces the new academic year of the School of Doctoral Studies in Humanities and Art for students in the doctoral study program of Visual Communication

Exhibition MUZEUMĚNÍ, Studio of Fine Art – Photography
We cordially invite you to the exhibition MUZEUMĚNÍ, showcasing the collaboration between the Podřipské Museum and the Fine Art – Photography studio at FUD UJEP. The exhibition features artworks created in response to museum exhibits, offering a subjective interpretation. Emphasizing research and interdisciplinarity, the exhibition explores the intersection of art and museology.
Faculty Round of the Student Research Conference
We cordially invite you to the faculty round of the Student Research Conference, where doctoral students of the Faculty of Art and Design will present their student projects.
The conference will take place on Wednesday, 19 February 2025 at 10:00 in the Lecture Hall 537 at the Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem.
Lecture by Jocelyne Prince, glass artist and professor (USA)
FUD and the Department of Spatial Design cordially invite you to a lecture by Jocelyne Prince (USA), which will take place on Thursday 23 January at 10:00 in Studio 127 (Natural Materials).
Open Day at UJEP
The Faculty of Art and Design will take part in the UJEP Open Day, which will take place on 6 February 2025 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. We invite prospective students to visit the studios and consult their portfolios.
PF 2025
Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design, Zdena Kolečková, wishes all friends of the faculty, students, colleagues, alumni, and alumnae a wonderful end to the year 2024 and a joyful holiday season, during which we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the faculty’s existence.
Fleet Vehicle
For a car reservation please contact the secretary.
Dean's meeting room reservation
Dean's meeting room reservation
For a dean's meeting room reservation (door no. 234) please contact the secretary.