LECTURE SERIES OF MARIJA GRINIUK / March 18 – 27, 2024 / DUÚL, Faculty of Art and Design
The Department of History and Theory of Art invites you to the lecture series “Art/preneurship: an artist, curator and art manager?” by visiting foreign pedagogue Marija Griniuk, which will take place on March 18 – 27, 2024. Marija Griniuk, Ph.D. is artist-curator-researcher, is the director of Sami Center for Contemporary Art in Norway.
This two-week, six-part cycle reflects interdisciplinary practice implemented in different contexts and communities. The series of lectures aims at a dialogic approach, presents case examples of curatorial work and engages students in discussions about their views on curatorial work. Artistic practice today spans various disciplines, necessitating students to acquire skills in roles such as artists, curators, and art managers during their university education.
- Mon, March, 18, 2-3 PM, Challenges in Contemporary Curating, DUÚL
- Wed, March 20, 1-2 PM, Connecting past and contemporary art: curating archives, 537
- Wed, March 20, 3-4 PM, Technology and curatorial practice, case Techno-lab, 537
- Wed March 20, 5-6 PM, Art/preneurship: an artist, curator and art manager? DUÚL
- Mon, March 25, 2-3 PM, Seminar – implementation of theoretical knowledge into practical teaching, 234
- Wed, March 27, 10-12:00, colloquium, DUÚL
For more information about the course, see this document.
Marije Griniuk’s lecture series takes place as part of the project “Umění/podnikání: umělec, kurátor a umělecký manažer”, reg. no. 0316000033, which is implemented with the financial participation of the European Union through the National Recovery Plan and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.