The Winner of the Designblok 2023 Award / LLEV

Congratulations to LLEV on receiving Designblok 2023 Award. Behind LLEV is Eva Mochaloá and Marcel Mochal. Marcel Mochal is the Head of Glass Studio at Faculty of Art and Design at UJEP. The international jury included Dutch designer Ineke Hans, Benedict Hobson from Dezeen, Joseph Grima – architect, editor, curator, founder of Alcova and Space Caviar, and creative director of the Design Academy Eindhoven, Simone Post – multidisciplinary Dutch designer, and Birgitta Homburger, a creative director, designer, and strategy creator from Germany.
The design of the PSYCHEE vase and the drink glass INNATURA, which is blown into mycelial forms, won the first prize in the category of Best Home Accessories.
The vase is blown into a form made of mycelium and wood shavings.
The drink glass is blown into a form made of mycelium and wood shavings.
About LLEV
The design studio LLEV combines art and design, creating objects and product collections for galleries and companies. Their design process merges research with integrity of traditional crafts. They employ their own creative language characterized by shaping not only the form but also the message of each product or artwork, its story, or its placement in the current context of sustainability. They are interested in the function of things in the 21st century, with a focus on simplifying and enriching human life through design and art. At the core of their work is the individual, who is an imaginary employer for them. Their primary goal is to simplify and enrich human life through design and art. LLEV is represented by Eva Mochalová and Marcel Mochal, who is also the Head of the Glass Studio at FUD UJEP.
Photo / LLEV