Všechny květy světa / All the Flowers of the World

18 June – 27 August 2023 / Chateau and Grannary Klenová

Dovolujeme si pozvat na výstavu v Galerii Klatovy / Klenová s názvem Všechny květy světa, kde můžete mimo jiné zhlédnout také díla Michaely Thelenové, vedoucí ateliéru Digitální média a Pavla Matouška, studenta doktorského studijního programu Vizuální komunikace. Michaela Thelenová presents her works “Klasika” and “Sudetská reneta” at the exhibition. Both pieces explore the history and culture of the Czech-German cross-border region. Pavel Matoušek, on the other hand, showcases his photographic reinterpretation of Václav Boštík’s paintings from the collection of the Klatovy/Klenová Gallery. You can preview the artworks of the mentioned exhibitors below.

Official Text of the Exhibition

This exhibition of works from the Klatovy / Klenová Gallery’s collection – the fifth in a series of exhibitions focused on a specific period in time – looks at artworks created between 2010 and 2019. The previous exhibitions, held both at GKK and at galleries that decided to hold reprise showings of our exhibitions – presented works from the 1960s, 1970s–1980s, 1990s, and the first decade of the twenty-first century. An important objective of these exhibitions has been to expose visitors to various artistic tendencies, styles, and media, and through these to explore artists’ ways of thinking in relation to the artwork itself, its function, and its role in society.

Exhibition curators: Michal Lazorčík, Jiří Machalický a Petr Krátký