The Faculty of Art and Design will take part in the UJEP Open Day, which will take place on 6 February 2025 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. We invite prospective students to visit the studios and consult their portfolios.
Ústí nad Labem House of Arts
Exhibitions and Events

Open Day at UJEP

Abstracts of Presentation are Published – International Conference Gardening of Soul: Resources of Perspectives
We warmly invite you to attend the international conference Gardening of Soul: Resources of Perspectives, which will take place on 22 and 23 February 2024.

Course of a visiting foreign pedagogue / video lectures by Marcus Neustteter
Marcus Neustteter created three video lectures as part of the Course of a visiting foreign pedagogue in the winter semester of 2023/24, which are now available on a new YouTube playlist. Their implementation was supported by the project PPSŘ 2023 – Expansion and improvement of education implemented in the form of blended learning at FUD UJEP.

Academic Grape Harvest II and Guided Tour
We cordially invite you to the II. Academic Grape Harvest, which will be accompanied by a guided tour of the exhibition Folk Art School — Jan Merta and Jasanský — Polák starting at 6:00 PM.

Jan Krtička – Towards Seydisfjördur
Ústí nad Labem House of Arts warmly invites you to the opening of the Jan Krtička – Towards Seydisfjördur, which will take place on Wednesday 13 September 2023, at 18:00.

Jakub Tajovský – A Sight Detached from the Observer ́s Body
Ústí nad Labem House of Arts warmly invites you to the opening of the Jakub Tajovský – A Sight Detached from the Observer ́s Body, which will take place on Wednesday 13 September 2023, at 18:00.
Folk Art School – Jan Merta and with him Jasanský-Polák
Ústí nad Labem House of Arts warmly invites you to the opening of the Folk Art School exhibition – Jan Merta and with him Jasanský-Polák, which will take place on Wednesday 13 September 2023, at 6:00 PM.
Design Shop Ústí nad Labem House of Arts – Sell your Artwork
We are informing the students and graduates of FUD about the opportunity to sell their products in the curated design shop at Ústí nad Labem House of Arts! This is a fantastic chance for you to showcase your design products to the world and earn money at the same time!
Commented Exhibition Tour of Chyceni Slovy / Caught in Words
The commented exhibition tour of “Caught in Words” will take place on Thursday 20 July 2023, at 5:00PM at Ústí nad Labem House of Arts. The guided tour will be led by the exhibition curators along with the exhibiting artist.
Ústí nad Labem House of Arts
Faculty of Art and Design
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
The Ústí nad Labem House of Arts of Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad labem is a faculty specialized workspace focused on creative, artistic, research, curatorial, educating, interdisciplinary and cultural projects realization.
The main focus of the Ústí nad Labem House of Arts is the realization of education in the study programmes of FAD UJEP and the production of cultural activities especially exhibitions of important artists, key art movements and topics shaping the contemporary art scene as well as the realization of interdisciplinary events and educational activities. Its program offers from artistic through research, educational and publication to socialization activities that are realized in international context and in cooperation with a number of Czech and international partners, such as academies of arts and exhibition, art and cultural institutions.
The exhibition conception of the Ústí nad Labem House of Arts focuses on presentation of important artists, key art movements and topics shaping the situation of contemporary Central European fine art. The key aims of the Ústí nad Labem House of Arts are professional production and presentation of the current artistic expressions, support of the international cooperation in the form of exhibition projects realization, creative and research activity in the space of contemporary fine art realized in the cooperation with similarly oriented university workspaces, development of educational activities within the study programs at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, support of educational strategies focused on work with the gallery visitors and, at last, implementation of social responsibility in sociocultural development of the local community.
The main curator of the Ústí nad Labem House of Arts is prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D. who works on realization of individual exhibition projects in cooperation with other curators and partners mainly from international institutions or with free-lance curators. The overall curatorial conception of the Ústí nad Labem House of Arts is focused on analysis and presentation of contemporary artistic expressions with the emphasis on sociocultural situation in the Central European context and thus also the national context which also reflects the specific situation in the local region and community.
The Ústí nad Labem House of Arts is located in the reconstructed space of the former university canteen in the residential area Klíše not far from the city centre and the university campus. The exhibition and research activities of the Ústí nad Labem House of Arts contribute significantly to the presentation of a wide range of forms of contemporary visual culture in the city of Ústí nad Labem and its surrounding region. The Ústí nad Labem House of Arts is an expression of a self-confident potential of the local art scene. It wants to become a gate into dynamic structures of the contemporary fine art and moreover, introduce an open creative space between the university and the local community.
Ústí nad Labem House of Arts
Faculty of Art and Design
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
Klíšská 1101/129a
400 96 Ústí nad Labem
F: Dům umění Ústí nad Labem
T/ +420 702 217 042