Study Department


The study department's office is located on the 2nd floor of the FUD building, room no. 324.

T: +420 475 285 130, +420 475 285 129
G: +420 702 202 300

Mgr. Klára Gasserová
Head of Study Department / Doctoral Studies Officer

Bc. Iveta Steklá
Study Department Officer
E: Ľubica Mildeová, ArtD.
Study Department Officer
T: +420 475 285 225

Office Hours

In cases that do not require a personal visit, we prefer an online solution, so contact us by phone or email.

Monday                             1—3 pm
Tuesday 9.30—11.30 am
Wednesday 9.30—11.30 am / 1—3 pm
Thursday 9.30—11.30 am
Friday closed


From 1 July to 31 August 2023, the study department is opened only in the mornings from 8AM to 11AM. We highly recommend you to contact the study department prior your visit. 


Come to Doctoral Students’ Lectures

We invite you to inspiring lectures by doctoral students, which will take place in three blocks on 3 April, 17 April, and 24 April 2024, each starting at 11 o’clock in Lecture Hall 537 at the Faculty of Art and Design at UJEP.