
Faculty Address

Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem
Faculty of Art and Design
Pasteurova 9
400 96 Ústí nad Labem
+420 475 285 111


Univerzita J. E. Purkyně
Fakulta umění a designu
Pasteurova 1
400 96 Ústí nad Labem

IČO 44555601
DIČ CZ44555601

Study Department and Admission Procedure

Mgr. Klára Gasserová
Head of Study Department / Doctoral Studies Officer

Bc. Iveta Steklá
Study Department Officer

Study Department Officer
T: +420 475 285 225

Public Relations

MgA. Petra Widžová

Opening hours




Counseling Center

The UJEP Counseling Center is a university-wide institution providing guidance for applicants and students with specific needs, career counseling, psychological counseling, and special education counseling, offering services in these areas to all prospective students, current students, and UJEP staff.

Booking system

Employee Contact List

Dean's Office
Jméno Funkce E-mail Telefon/Linka
budova FUD
prof. Mgr. Zdena Kolečková, Ph.D. Dean / Professor 47528 5122 231
doc. Mgr. Michaela Thelenová Vice-Dean for Study / Head of Digital Media Studio / Associate Professor 47528 5153 522
prof. Mgr. David Kořínek Vice-Dean for External Relations / Professor 131
MgA. Aleš Loziak, Ph.D. Vice Dean for Development / Assistant Professor 47528 5154
777 779 001
prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Creative Work / Professor 47528 5186 209
PhDr.  Lenka Halásová Faculty Secretary 47528 5123 233
Bc. Monika Malchusová Project Manager 47528 5131 230
Klára Mrkusová Head of Editorial Department 47528 5187
720 695 790
Zita Šauerová Dean's Assistant 47528 5121
721 513 474
Ing. Daniela Slabá Dean´s Office Officer
47528 5166
232  Ľubica Mildeová, ArtD. Erasmus+ Coordinator / Study Department Officer for International Students 47528 5225 325
Mgr. Klára Gasserová Head of Study Department / Doctoral Study Department Officer 47528 5130 324
Bc. Iveta Steklá Study Department Officer 47528 5129 324
Mgr. Tomáš Suk Project Manager 47528 5131
775 615 515
MgA. Petra Widžová Public Relations 230
Ing. Markéta Chalupová, MSc Vice-Dean Officer for Science, Research and Creative Work 47528 5224 230
Šárka Stehlíková Production 47528 5124 230
Mgr. Alena Lančová Project and Research Center Manager 113
Petr Kuneš Project and Research Center Specialist 113
Telephone Operator 47528 5111 109
Department of Fine Art
Jméno Funkce E-mail Telefon/Linka
budova FUD
MgA. Zdeněk Svejkovský, Ph.D. Head of Department of Fine Art
775 091 327
doc. Mgr. Michaela Thelenová Vice-Dean for Study / Head of Digital Media Studio / Associate Professor 47528 5153 522
prof. Mgr. Zdena Kolečková, Ph.D. Dean / Professor 47528 5122 231
Lukáš Jasanský Head of Photography Studio 47528 5118 419
doc. Jiří Kovanda Head of Object-Space-Action Studio / Associate Professor 47528 5323 307
doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Kopřiva, Ph.D. Head of Interactive Media Studio / Associate Professor 47528 5328 519
doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Mrkus Head of Time-Based Media Studio 47528 5122 231
MgA. Kristýna Pozlerová Head of Time-Based Media Studio
MgA. Kryštof Brůha Head of Time-Based Media Studio
MgA. Nikola Ivanov, Ph.D. Head of Applied Photography Studio 408
MgA. Veronika Čechmánková Head of Applied Photography Studio 408
MgA. Barbora Hájková, DiS. Head of Fine Art - Photography Studio 47528 5154 523
MgA. Martin Krupa Head of Fine Art - Photography Studio 47528 5154 523
MgA. Silvie Milková, Ph.D. Photography Studio Assistant 47528 5118 419
MgA. Jan Prošek, Ph.D. Interactive Media Studio Assistant 47528 5328 519
MgA. Radek Jandera, Ph.D. Digital Media Studio Assistant 47528 5154 523
MgA. Aleš Loziak, Ph.D. Vice Dean for Development / Assistant Professor 47528 5154
777 779 001
MgA. Jiří Dvořák Applied Photography Studio Assistant 47528 5141 408
MgA. Jiří Pitrmuc Object-Space-Action Studio Assistant
47528 5323
MgA. Karim Tarakji Specialist
MgA. Jáchym Myslivec Lecturer
Mgr. Tomáš Jurkovič Departmental Assistant
Department of Visual Communication
Jméno Funkce E-mail Telefon/Linka
budova FUD
MgA. Michaela Labudová, Ph.D. Head of Department of Visual Communication / Head of Visual Design Studio 47528 5324 329
MgA. Adam Uchytil Head of Graphic Design I Studio 47528 5326 318
doc. ak. mal. Michal Slejška Head of Graphic Design II Studio / Associate Professor 47528 5325 332
MgA. Pavel Frič Head of Visual Design Studio 47528 5324 329
MgA. Marek Fanta Graphic Design I Studio Assistant 47528 5326 318
MgA. Vít Mareš Graphic Design II Studio Assistant
47528 5325
MgA. Přemysl Zajíček Lecturer at Department of Visual Communication
MgA. Kateřina Javůrková Specialist
Mgr. Tomáš Jurkovič Departmental Assistant
Department of Design
Jméno Funkce E-mail Telefon/Linka
budova FUD
MgA. Jan C. Löbl, Ph.D. Head of Department of Design / Head of Fashion and Textile Studio 47528 5115 223
MgA. Jiří Bartoš, Ph.D. Deputy Head of the Department of Design / Product Design Studio Assistant 47528 5165 025
MgA. Tomáš Bém vedoucí ateliéru Design interiéru 47528   235
MgA. Marcel Mochal Head of Glass Studio 47528 5126 136
doc. MgA. Robert Vlasák Head of Natural Materials / Associate Professor 47528 5117
Mgr. MgA. Jan Krtička, Ph.D. Head of Natural Materials Studio 47528 5117 128
doc. MgA. Antonín Tomášek Head of Ceramic Design Studio 47528 5159 331
MgA. Šárka Zíková Specialist
doc. MgA. Jan Čapek Head of Product Design Studiov / Associate Professor 47528 5119 222
MgA. Kateřina Bartošová Interior Design Studio Assistant 47528 5135
723 040 406
MgA. Hana Coufalová Fashion and Textile Design Studio Assistant 47528 5115 223
MgA. Anežka Vítková Specialist
MgA. Stanislav Holý Glass Studio Assistant 47528 5126
MgA. Jana Linhartová Ceramic Design Studio Assistant 47528 5159 331
prof. ak. mal. Jaroslav Prášil Lecturer at Department of Applied Art 47528 5115 223
BcA. Lenka Němcová Specialist
Mgr. Tomáš Jurkovič Departmental Assistant
Department of Art Practice
Jméno Funkce E-mail Telefon/Linka
budova FUD
MgA. Lenka Kahuda Klokočková, MA, Ph.D. Head of the Art Practice Department / Graphics Specialist 047
doc. MgA. Martin Kuriš, Ph.D. Deputy Head of the Art Practice Department / Drawing and Painting Assistent 47528 5226 424
doc. MgA. Lada Semecká Head of Spatial Design Studio 47528 5147 013
doc. Mgr. Martin Raudenský, Ph.D. Associate Professor 47528 5155 033
MgA. Markéta Váradiová, ArtD. Lecturer 47528 5226 424
MgA. Miroslav Lörincz, DiS Lecturer at Department of General Preparation 47528 5147
MgA. Jitka Brody Mikulicová Lecturer at Department of General Preparation 425
MgA. Adéla Bierbaumer Specialist 046
Roman Šimek Specialist 47528 5165 025
Ing. Šárka Novotná Departmental Assistant 330
Department of History and Theory of Arts
Jméno Funkce E-mail Telefon/Linka
budova FUD
MgA. Adéla Machová, Ph.D. Head of Department of History and Theory of Arts / Fundraiser and Executive Producer of Ústí nad Labem House of Arts / Chair of the Academic Senate of FAD 47528 5230
601 385 504
prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D. Vice-Dean for Creative Work / Professor 47528 5186 209
prof. Mgr. Zdena Kolečková, Ph.D. Dean / Professor 47528 5122 231
doc. PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, Ph.D. Associate Professor 47528 5125 322
doc. Mgr. Kateřina Dytrtová, Ph.D. Lecturer 47528 5134 131
PhDr. Jaroslav Polanecký, PhD. Assistant of Department of History and Theory of Arts 47528 5116 227
doc. Mgr. Lenka Sýkorová, Ph.D. Associate Professor 47528 5125 322
Mgr. Eva Imr Mráziková, Ph.D. Lecturer 47528 5124 230
doc. Mgr. Anna Vartecká, Ph.D. Associate Professor 47528 5139 328
Mgr. Martin Kolář, Ph.D. Lecturer 47528 5156 423
prof. Mgr. David Kořínek Vice-Dean for External Relations / Professor 131
Dr. János György Szoboszlai, Ph.D. Lecturer 47528 5138 131
doc. Mgr. Martin Nitsche, Ph.D. Associate Professor 47528 5230 323
Mgr. Gabriela Kadlecová Lecturer 47528 5138 131
Mgr. Lenka Stolárová Lecturer 47528 5139 328
Mgr. Barbora Eisnerová Lecturer 47528 5156 423
MgA. Adam Štěch Lecturer at Department of History and Theory of Arts 47528 5156 423
Mgr. et Mgr. Václav Janoščík, Ph.D. Lecturer 327
Mgr. Kryštof Hejný Professional Assistant
Ing. Šárka Novotná Departmental Assistant 330
Ústí nad Labem House of Arts
Jméno Funkce E-mail Telefon/Linka
budova FUD
MgA. Kristýna Císařová Ústí nad Labem House of Arts Production and Operations 47528 5188 Ústí nad Labem House of Arts
MgA. Zuzana Doleželová Ústí nad Labem House of Arts Production and Operations 47528 5188 Ústí nad Labem House of Arts
BcA. Dominik Kobeda Ústí nad Labem House of Arts Production and Operations 47528 5188
777 591 007
Ústí nad Labem House of Arts
Markéta Müllerová Ústí nad Labem House of Arts Production and Operations 47528 5188 Ústí nad Labem House of Arts