Faculty Management

Dean's Office

Dean prof. Mgr. Zdena Kolečková, Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Study doc. Mgr. Michaela Thelenová
Vice-Dean for External Relations and Internationalization  doc. Mgr. David Kořínek
Vice-Dean for Development MgA. Aleš Loziak
Vice-Dean for Science, Research and Creative Work prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D.

Dean's Council

prof. Mgr. Zdena Kolečková, Ph.D., Dean
doc. Mgr. Michaela Thelenová, Vice-Dean for Study
doc. Mgr. David Kořínek, Vice-Dean for External Relations and Internationalization
MgA. Aleš Loziak, Vice-Dean for Development
prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for Science, Research and Creative Work
MgA. Jan C. Löbl, Ph.D., Head of Department of Design
MgA. Zdeněk Svejkovský, Head of Fine Arts
MgA. Michaela Labudová, Ph.D., Head of Visual Communication
MgA. Adéla Machová, Ph.D., Head of Department of History and Theory of Arts
MgA. Lenka Kahuda Klokočková, MA, Ph.D., Head of General Preparation
PhDr. Lenka Halásová, Faculty Secretary

Dean's Council Meetings Minutes

Dean's Council Meeting Minutes

Academic Senate

The Academic Senate of the Faculty is a self-governing representative body of the Faculty and consists of two chambers - employee and student. For more information see Zákon o VŠ. Web page of AS FUD UJEP HERE and the current AS FUD UJEP is elected for the period 2025–2027.

Chamber of Academic Staff

  • MgA. Adéla Machová, Ph.D. (Chair)
  • MgA. Jiří Dvořák
  • MgA. Martin Krupa
  • MgA. Jan C. Löbl, Ph.D.
  • doc. PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, Ph.D.
  • doc. Mgr. Anna Vartecká, Ph.D.

Chamber of Students

  • Ing. arch. Jiří Philippe Janda (Vice-Chair)
  • BcA. Karolína Hruboňová
  • Jindřiška Milfaitová
  • BcA. Martin Pecha
  • Ondřej Vasilovčík

The public regular meetings of Academic Senate FUD UJEP you find in the last meeting minutes of the AS FUD UJEP.

Materials for the next meeting of Academic Senate of FAD

Academic Senate of FAD meetings minutes

→ Academic Senate of FAD meetings minutes

Do you  have any question for the Academic Senate of FAD?

Art Committee

External Members of FUD UJEP Art Committee
prof. Mgr. A. Petr Babák – Head of Graphic Design and New Media Studio at UMPRUM in Prague
doc. Mgr. Bohunka Koklesová, PhD. – Rector at VŠVU in Bratislava
prof. Mgr. akad. mal. Jiří Černický – Head of Fine Arts II Studio (Painting) at UMPRUM in Prague
doc. Mgr. Richard Fajnor – Lecturer at Composition and Multimedial Creation Department at JAMU Faculty of Music in Brno
prof. Mgr. A. Lenka Klodová, Ph.D. – Head of Body Design Studio at FAVU VUT in Brno 
prof. PhDr. Zdeno Kolesár, PhD. – Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Art at VŠVU in Bratislava
doc. PhDr. Pavlína Morganová, PhD. – Head of Academic Research Centre at AVU in Prague
Mgr. Michal Novotný – Head of Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art at NP in Prague 
prof. MgA. Petr Stanický, M.F.A. – Head of Glass Design Studio at FMK UTB in Zlín
doc. M. A. Jan Stolín – Dean of FUA TUL Liberec

Internal Members of FUD UJEP Art Committee 
doc. Mgr. Kateřina Dytrtová, Ph.D. – Lecturer at History and Theory of Arts at FUD UJEP 
prof. Akad. arch. Jan Fišer – Lecturer at FUD UJEP, Lecturer at Department of Design at FA ČVUT
prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D. – Vice-Dean for Creative Work, Chairman of Subject Area Board of doctoral programme in Visual Communication at FUD UJEP
prof. Mgr. Zdena Kolečková, Ph.D. – Dean of FUD UJEP
doc. RNDr. Jaroslav Koutský, Ph.D. – Rector of UJEP
doc. Mgr. David Kořínek – Vice-Dean for External Relations at FUD UJEP
doc. Jiří Kovanda – Head of Object - Space - Action at FUD UJEP 
MgA. Michaela Labudová, Ph.D. – Head of Department of Visual Communication at FUD UJEP
MgA. Jan C. Löbl, Ph.D. – Head of Department of Design at FUD UJEP
doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Mrkus – Head of Department of Time-Based Media at FUD UJEP
doc. PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, Ph.D. – Lecturer at Department of History and Theory of Arts at FUD UJEP
prof. ak. arch. Jiří Pelcl – Head of Interior Design Studio at FUD UJEP
prof. ak. mal. Jaroslav Prášil – Lecturer at FUD UJEP, member of Subject-Area Board of doctoral programme in Visual Communication at FUD UJEP
doc. ak. mal. Michal Slejška – Head of Graphic Design II Studio at FUD UJEP
MgA. Zdeněk Svejkovský – Head of Department of Fine Art at FUD UJEP
doc. Mgr. Michaela Thelenová – Vice-Dean for Study at FUD UJEP
doc. MgA. Antonín Tomášek – Head of Ceramic Design Studio at FUD UJEP
doc. Mgr. Anna Vartecká, Ph.D. – Lecturer at Department of History and Theory of Arts at FUD UJEP
doc. MgA. Robert Vlasák – Head of Natural Materials Studio at FUD UJEP


Subject-Area Board - Study Programme Visual Communication

Internal Members of the Subject-Area Board of FAD

doc. Mgr. Kateřina Dytrtová, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. David Kořínek
prof. ak. arch. Jan Fišer
doc. Mgr. A. Daniel Hanzlík
prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D.
prof. Mgr. Zdena Kolečková, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Kopřiva, Ph.D.
prof. Mgr. Miloš Michálek
doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Mrkus
doc. Mgr. Martin Nitsche, Ph.D.
doc. PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, Ph.D.
prof. ak. mal. Jaroslav Prášil
doc. ak. mal. Michal Slejška
doc. Mgr. Michaela Thelenová
doc. MgA. Antonín Tomášek
doc. Mgr. Anna Vartecká, Ph.D.
doc. MgA. Robert Vlasák

External Members of the Subject-Area Board of FAD

doc. ak. soch. Alexius Appl
doc. Mgr. Richard Fajnor
prof. PhDr. Zdeno Kolesár, PhD.
doc. Mgr.A. Pavel Noga, ArtD.
doc. MgA. Alexandra Vajd

Subject-Area Board - Study Programme Fine Art - Course Visual Communication

Internal Members of the Subject-Area Board of FAD

doc. Mgr. Kateřina Dytrtová, Ph.D.
prof. ak. arch. Jan Fišer
doc. Mgr. A. Daniel Hanzlík
prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D.
prof. Mgr. Zdena Kolečková, Ph.D.
doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Kopřiva, Ph.D.
prof. Mgr. Miloš Michálek
doc. Mgr. A. Pavel Mrkus
doc. PhDr. Tomáš Pavlíček, Ph.D.
prof. ak. mal. Jaroslav Prášil
doc. ak. mal. Michal Slejška
doc. Mgr. Michaela Thelenová
doc. MgA. Robert Vlasák

External Members of the Subject-Area Board of FAD

doc. ak. soch. Alexius Appl
doc. Mgr. Richard Fajnor
prof. Mgr.A. Pavel Noga, ArtD.
doc. MgA. Alexandra Vajd
doc. MgA. Jan Zálešák, Ph.D.