Modular Synthesis workshop


V rámci cyklu Zvukové odrazy v Domě umění chystáme 28/11 2018 od 14 hodin zvukový workshop umělce Radek Rudnicky a Maho Cwejman (Japan, Syntheesiser designer), který v 19 hodin zakončíme večerním společným koncertem Radek Rudnicky a Maho Cwejman, kterého se aktivně mohou zůčastnit i studenti z workshopu.

Workshop bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce.

Workshop je primárně koncipován pro studenty.

Modular Synthesis workshop is focused on use of modular synthesis and sound design for multidisciplinary projects, linking art and science and new media including 3D video mapping. This includes discussion on industrial design of synthesisers and the use of newest prototypes and ground breaking Eurorack synthesiser modules from key manufacturers including Cwejman, Industrial Music Electronics, Erica Synths, Orthogonal Devices, Make Noise, Abstract Data, AJH Synth among others. Workshop on modular synthesis are for participants of all levels and include historical context, patching techniques, as well as interactive hands on use of the hardware equipment in the studio and in live performance setting. Workshop gives students insight into working with music and audio content. During workshops free and open source tools and solutions are recommended. Participants can try the techniques in the comfort of their own home/studio.

Dr Radek Rudnicki (Poland) holds PhD in Digital Composition from the University of York, UK. Based in Wellington, New Zealand, Radek is lecturing and designing new music courses at Massey University, School of Music & Creative Media Production. He is interested in interactive multimedia, visual arts and multidisciplinary projects combining art and science. Maho Cwejman (Japan) distributes Cwejman modular synthesizers. Involved in manufacture and quality control at Cwejman Music AB. Assists organizers for synthesis seminars with Cwejman modules. Producing music with Dr. Radek Rudnicki at Wave Folder Records.

During workshop Maho and Radek will talk about modular synthesis. This involves the use of Cwejman modules, patching techniques and how to get most out of them. Classic synthesiser modules like Res4, MMF2, QMMF4 among others will be shown, as well as newly released in 2018 BLD2 and VM1S MK2.