Čelem k umění / Marija Griniuk

středa 2. 11. 2022 online na YouTube kanále Čelem k umění

Erasing Memory? Placeness of the Narrative

přednáška bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce

How can we discuss the difficult and painful political past through art? The lecture is based on the ongoing research by Marija Griniuk on the connectedness between architecture constructs in the changing public space, the memory, and the local narratives. This research so far resulted in one published peer-reviewed article 1 . During her lecture Griniuk will discuss the following examples of Lithuanian performance art: the AN88 and AN89 festivals of happenings and actions (in 1988 and 1989), Evelina Šimkute’s project in Šilainiai district of Kaunas (2015–present), and Griniuk’s project “Construction” (2012-ongoing). These three examples have an aesthetic approach to memory, the architectural constructs, and the demolished or now-removed signifiers of the colonial past in Lithuania in common.

Marija Griniuk is a Lithuanian artist and a PhD student at the University of Lapland, Finland. Her PhD research concerns new channels of performance documentation derived from biometric data, such as brain activity data. Her artistic focus in the last decade has been twofold: on one hand addressing a posthumanist take on performance production and documentation, and on the other hand post-colonial memory and decolonization as her main themes in performance, painting and printmaking artworks. She has a particular interest in dissemination of these themes through art towards international audiences, which could have a societal impact and lessening of Othering.

Záznam přednášky bude zveřejněn na YouTube kanálu Čelem k umění na tomto odkazu. Čelem k umění je přednáškovým cyklem Fakulty umění a designu Univerzity J. E. Purkyně konajícím se každou středu od 16:30.
Kurátor přednáškového cyklu / prof. Mgr. Michal Koleček, Ph.D.