Přednáška Mare Saare


Přednáška profesorky Mare Saare, vedoucí Katedry skla na Estonské akademii umění v Tallinnu. 

Středa 29. 3. 2017 v 15 hodin v učebně 420.

Mare Saare is the head of the department of glass at Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn, Estonia. Saare studied at Estonian Academy of Arts, Bornholm Glass School in Denmark, The Royal College of Art, and was an Artist-in-Residence at The Studio of The Corning Museum of Glass in 2000. She teaches engraving, stained glass, and fusing techniques and additionally uses kiln techniques, acidetching, cutting, painted glass, and photo print, and has participated in numerous international exhibitions and workshops. Saare’s work can be found in public collections worldwide.