In Their Eyes…
Výstava v Muzeu moderního a současného umění v Rijece.
Vernisáž výstavy v pátek 14. 7. 2017 ve 20 hodin.
Výstava trvá do 17. srpna 2017.
Artists: Stefano Cagol, Nemanja Cvijanović, Igor Eškinja, Hannes Egger, Michael Fliri, Miroslav Hašek, Zdena Kolečková, Richard Loskot, Michaela Thelenová, Slaven Tolj
Curators: Michal Koleček, Camilla Martinelli
The project is based on the cooperation of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka, Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, and the Kunsthalle Eurocenter Lana.
The exhibition In Their Eyes… was displayed in Kunsthalle Eurocenter Lana, South Tyrol and Ústí nad Labem House of Arts of Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem during 2017.
The presentation of exhibition In Their Eyes… at Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka is supported by the Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Kunsthalle Eurocenter Lana, Werkbank Lana and City of Rijeka.