European Fashion Accelerator

Nenechte si ujít jedinečnou příležitost vidět exkluzivní čtyřdenní program European Fashion Accelerator, který začíná již toto pondělí.
European Fashion Accelerator je vzdělávací program zaměřený na podporu mladých talentovaných studentů z kreativních oborů návrhářství a designu ze zemí V4.
Můžete se těšit nejen na představení kolekcí vybraných návrhářů, ale také na přednášky, workshopy a panelovou diskusi se zajímavými hosty s různých oblastí.
🔴 The EFA ONLINE program 23. – 26. 11. 2020 on
The European Fashion Accelerator (EFA) is an intensive program created to support talented students in creative industries in V4 region and functions as an effective bridge between creative and business world.
EFA has been created by Unique One Events (producer of Unique Fashion Week in the Czech republic and Kosice Fashion Week in Slovak Republic) and it is helping Central European designers and sharing good practices between Universities successfully, since 2002.
EFA is built on main pillars:
✅ EFA Talent search – is open to students/designers from V4 countries. The main goal is to introduce the designers in London and Paris Fashion Weeks in 2021.
✅ EFA Education platform for students/designers/teachers – We were all born creative geniuses and let’s use this potential in the Education Panel and Lectures.
✅ EFA exchange of good practice experience – The space to find the way to own business through Personalised Mentoring.
The European Fashion Accelerator is supported by International Visegrad Fund
Your EFA Team ✂