KEEP IN TOUCH – International Porcelain Symposium Dubí
Keep In Touch – international porcelain symposium
Please, leave a message…
Keep in Touch je mezinárodní porcelánové sympozium již tradičně organizované pro studenty, designéry či umělce do 35 let.
Odehrává se v Experimentálním keramickém studiu Dubí ateliéru Design Keramiky Fakulty Umění a Designu UJEP od 5.9.2018 do 20.9.2018
Letošním téma zní: Please, leave message (Prosím, zanechte zprávu)
The Experimental Ceramic Studio located in North Bohemia is happy to announce Keep in Touch International porcelain symposium, a three weeks residency during the month of September 2018.
Following the aim of our studio we would like to welcome young artists and designers to develop a project in porcelain, this year under the topic Please, leave a message… that is normally a recorded voice, an automatic reproduction, a robot in charge to reply in precise situations, in these circumstances any answer becomes a contrasted “human” articulated language that speaks in short or long, detailed or nervous voice. It exposes the limit in communication, facing a border.
How do we read, transform and shape our messages?
How to materialize our intentions?
What do we spread?
For more information: