Vlas Presnetsov
1. MgA.
Algorithmic experiences
paintings \ graphics
The line between the physical and the digital world becomes finer with technology being implicated more and more into our mundane lives. In just a moment a set of functions, running scripts and electric impulses align into an image on the screen. Digital technology has a way of tricking our minds to respond to it by making a visual representation that is friendly for a biological human brain, like perceiving RGB colors and Pixels either on a display or printed on a sheet of paper.
In my process I explore this relationship between human and machine by mimicking some of the basic digital principles in the purest physical art forms of painting and drawing. I took different directions - from painting over the computer print to see how machine produced image will be translated with the touch of a trembling human hand with all the qualities of the life experience of painting, to trying to arrive to a digital looking image from the intuitive process of putting dots of paint wherever my artistic sense was leading me to. This dissection and recreation of seemingly simple digital visuals through the traditional painting process, both of which the viewer is more than familiar with, are now mereged together, to bring on questions of what makes something real, artistic, esthetic and human in regards to man-made art in a world of many computer based images.